Can I Smoke In My Apartment?

james dean 300x300 - Can I Smoke In My Apartment?Hey, James Dean looked so cool with that cigarette hanging out of his mouth. But here’s a news flash – James Dean has been dead for 60 plus years and smoking is just about dead too.

Of U.S. adults, only about 15% are smokers. Second hand smoke is a known health hazard. At Decker Properties, it is incumbent upon the smoker to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that their smoking does not impair the quiet enjoyment of those around them, including air quality. And if that means that you can’t smoke in your own apartment, then so be it.

E-cigarettes are the new kid on the block, but they really make no difference. Your neighbors’ rights to clean air trumps your right to smoke, even e-cigarettes. Continue reading

The Secret to Some Fast Cash Part 1

man pushing a wheelbarrow full of cash - The Secret to Some Fast Cash Part 1Hey, is it too soon to talk about Christmas? Or too late to talk about that summer getaway?

Whichever one is your next target, it’s going to cost some coin. So here’s a secret to get your piggy bank to rattle a little louder:

How about a job with a really short commute time? Working for somebody you already know? And must like at least a little?

That wonderful employer might be your landlord.

Chances are, your landlord probably could use a little extra help. There’s grass that needs cutting, apartments that need cleaning and halls that need vacuuming. What about this idea: Does your apartment need an upgrade? Are you a little handy? You might even get paid for fixing up your own apartment!

Whatever the circumstances, there’s at least a good chance that there’s some money to be made doing things you may even enjoy. Instead of complaining about the litter in the yard or the shrubs that need trimming, how about parlaying that into a job?

You might even graduate to being an onsite manager. More about that next time.

Be A Good Neighbor

For some people, their ideal home is an apartment building in a glamorous part of town rather than a suburban spread with a lawn. Whether you share this dream or find yourself renting an apartment for other reasons, you should do everything you can to be a good neighbor in the close confines of an apartment building.

Communicate Freely Without Being Pushy

It’s important not to live in anonymity. Make an effort to get to know your neighbors without sticking your nose into their business unduly. Introducing yourself when you first move in and making a habit of saying hi when you run into neighbors will go a long way towards building up positive feelings in your building.

You should cultivate at least a little common ground with your neighbors so that you feel comfortable asking them for favors (or doing favors for them) when it’s absolutely necessary. Whenever you need to ask your neighbors for something – even if it’s to turn down their music, for example – it’s good to think of your request as a favor. Continue reading

A Fire at a Pewaukee apartment – Why You Need Renters Insurance

apartment fire damage in pewaukee 300x168 - A Fire at a Pewaukee apartment - Why You Need Renters Insurance

Apartment fire damage in Pewaukee. Did they have renters insurance?

Here is a picture of one of our buildings in Pewaukee that was damaged during a fire on September 4, 2015. Thankfully, no one was hurt or killed.

The fire started on or near a balcony. There was a charcoal grill on that balcony. Did the grill start the fire? That remains unknown. What we do know is that gas and charcoal grills are not allowed on patios and balconies.

The 2009 revision of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) code, adopted into the State’s fire code in 2010, specifically bans any device used for cooking or heating, including electric grills from use or storage on balconies of multi-family occupancies. Continue reading

Coming Soon To Your Neighborhood in 3-D!

It’s not the latest movie or even one of those crazy thrill rides. It’s the latest contraption from a 3-D printer, only this time it’s the house you live in.

You heard that right, some day we’ll be living in houses printed out by a machine. And not in some distant future in a galaxy far, far away. These kind of buildings are already being created from California to China. Why not a new Hartford apartment?

A fast hardening concrete paste is applied through a nozzle suspended by an overhead crane according to the design input into a computer. The advantage is the massive savings in labor and reduced waste, not to mention a sturdy home impervious to termites!

So when will all of us be living in one of these homes? That’s a little hard to predict. In addition to technological hurdles, there are also political hurdles related to building codes and standards.

So for now, still plan on making your home at a Hartford apartment at the Wilson Heights Apartments, or the Fairways Apartments in Fond du Lac, Mayfair Apartments in Waupun, or Willow Grove Apartments in Pewaukee. While not quite from outer-space, I think you’ll agree these buildings are like new.

3D glasses - Coming Soon To Your Neighborhood in 3-D!

Ten Questions for Your Apartment Hunt

ten questions for your apartment hunt 240x300 - Ten Questions for Your Apartment HuntUnless you’re used to living in hotels, changing your address is a potentially stressful undertaking. Here are ten quick ideas on how to make the transition smoother.

1. Roommates or Solo?

Having a roommate means being less lonely, always having someone around to help and saving money. Or it might mean a loss of privacy and relationship nightmares. A lot depends on you and your roommates’ personalities and compatibility.

2. If going solo, is a studio or one bedroom best?

The answer might be the one bedroom if you plan on having friends over often. But if you are just looking for a place to crash and budgeting is a concern, then maybe the studio is for you.
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A Tip On Saving Your Apartment From Catastrophic Loss

fire trucks 300x199 - A Tip On Saving Your Apartment From Catastrophic LossIt’s not supposed to happen. Your life was supposed to be a fairy tale of good fortune. You were supposed to get married to the princess (or prince) and live happily ever after.

Meanwhile, here in the real world, things can go wrong. We can’t help you with your love life, but there is a remedy just in case your whole world goes up in smoke or everything you own gets blown across five zip codes in a storm. That remedy is Continue reading