Five Tips for Staying Out of Jail

There you are, working away, minding your own business, just trying to make your way in life. Then the boys in blue show up and take you away to jail! How inconvenient.
Here’s a couple of tips to help keep that from happening:

  1. It’s not about you. We just said that you were behaving yourself and working hard. You’re a model citizen.
  2. It’s about them. What about that party you’re planning? Have you thought about the guest list beyond just compatibility? Are you still going to invite Old Uncle Gus the gangster thug? Is that a good idea?
  3. You’re responsible for the conduct of your guests. Any trouble they cause, stuff they bust or laws they break could blow back on you. Remember what your mother told you about the company you keep? Turns out she was right.
  4. What about your own? How many times have we seen it that Smiling Innocent Junior is secretly dealing drugs out of his or her parents’ apartment? Try explaining to the blue boys that you knew nothing about that. They’re going to think you were the brains behind the operation!
  5. That’s what insurance is for. Hey, you got all your stuff at a garage sale anyway, so why bother with renter’s insurance? But what if your stove fire burns down the whole building and somebody gets hurt? Once again, you’re wearing the orange and looking through those bars. Better get renter’s insurance, it can be as little as $8-$10 per month.


stay out of jail - Five Tips for Staying Out of Jail

Can I Smoke In My Apartment?

james dean 300x300 - Can I Smoke In My Apartment?Hey, James Dean looked so cool with that cigarette hanging out of his mouth. But here’s a news flash – James Dean has been dead for 60 plus years and smoking is just about dead too.

Of U.S. adults, only about 15% are smokers. Second hand smoke is a known health hazard. At Decker Properties, it is incumbent upon the smoker to take whatever steps are necessary to ensure that their smoking does not impair the quiet enjoyment of those around them, including air quality. And if that means that you can’t smoke in your own apartment, then so be it.

E-cigarettes are the new kid on the block, but they really make no difference. Your neighbors’ rights to clean air trumps your right to smoke, even e-cigarettes. Continue reading

Evicted Part 3

Let’s review. Bad things happen to good people. You can’t pay your rent. But instead of doing the “man up” on this thing and talking to your landlord, or instead of moving out in the middle of the night, you’ve always had a thing for men in uniform so you’re trying to arrange a date with the local sheriff.

Or in other words, against all advice, perhaps owing to needless embarrassment, you’ve completely ignored this one. Which seems to be working out. For a while. Because the eviction process is slow.

The process starts with a 5-Day notice. This notice actually requires you to either pay your rent or move out in five days. If you don’t, you’re subject automatically to double the rent should this one wind up in court. Wouldn’t calling the landlord be better? Continue reading

Evicted Part 2 – The Midnight Move

two men carrying a house 272x300 - Evicted Part 2 - The Midnight MoveLast time, we were talking about how bad things can happen to good people. And one of the consequences can be that making the rent becomes difficult or impossible. In this instance, the best remedy is to talk to your landlord and work out an arrangement. Maybe a deferred payment plan can be worked out. Even if all is lost and you have to move, it’s still better to talk to your landlord, because here’s what going to happen if you don’t: Continue reading


eviction order stamp 300x199 - Evicted!In the event of trouble, talk to your landlord.

It was the last thing you were expecting. You go to work like any other day, but then you get laid off. Or you come home and find out your roommate moved out in the middle of the night. Or there’s a car accident and now you’ve got medical bills and car repair bills and time off of work…Ouch!

So you can’t pay your rent anymore. What should you do now? Continue reading