I have to admit, I hadn’t heard of this one before. But you’ve probably heard of helicopter parents – the ones that are a little too involved in their kids lives. Apparently, the same thing can apply landlords as well.
Here are some of the dynamics you may encounter:
- The Bait and Switch. Things like snow removal and moving the garbage cans to the street were landlord responsibilities until they aren’t. Sometimes the landlord claims a bad back or a trick knee. Of course you want to help out, but wait until you need a break and the landlord is nowhere to be found.
- The Hover. Maybe the landlord is keeping close track of your guests that come and go. Or it’s the extended small talk. Boundaries? What boundaries?
- The Self-aware Blind Spot. When I was acting as a broker for an apartment building, I showed a client through a property and he wanted to bring his enormous German Shephard with him on the tour! Don’t get me started about the landlord who loudly complained about the number of “those people” living at an apartment. I’m translating what he said to “those people” for purposes of sanitization.
- The High and Mighty. They do call them landlords and sometimes it can go to their head. They’re the lord and you’re less than thou.
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