Keeping Clean During Covid

With the vaccine already being distributed, hopefully this will all soon be a bad memory. But there may be a new standard in cleanliness that we all feel more comfortable with moving into the future. So here are a few tips on how to clean whether you’re trying to protect yourself from Covid or from spreading the flu:

  1. Start with you. Wash your hands. If your currently ailing, consider wearing a mask so you don’t recontaminate surfaces. If you’re going to be using harsh chemicals, wear gloves.
  2. Put some music on. Unless cleaning is your favorite activity, maybe you want something that helps put a little swing to your swifter.
  3. Take a balanced approach. There’s no need to use a powerful disinfectant on every surface. High touch items perhaps yes. If there’s someone sick in your household, then the cleaning efforts ramps up accordingly.
  4. Be careful. Don’t use bleach on porous surfaces. Don’t mix chemicals on your own as dangerous gasses can result.
  5. Go green. Worried about the environment? Here’s your chance to do your part. There are plenty of planet friendly alternatives. Art of Green is one product line that appears to have been tested and is easy on skin and good for the environment.
  6. Celebrate. Allow yourself a reward for a job well done.

Moving during the Corona Virus

Here’s an idea. Let’s try to keep our lives on track as much as possible without getting sick and transmitting this virus to someone else. If your efforts in this area mean you will be moving, here are some tips on how to do so safely:

  1. If you are using a moving company, make sure they are still operating and if they’ve imposed any restrictions, find out what they are and try to comply.
  2. Box up your stuff in brand new boxes to keep transmission of germs to a minimum.
  3. Keep the PPE handy. Hand sanitizer, gloves, masks may all be needed for moving day.
  4. Remember to keep your distance whenever possible. Easier with the couch than the dresser, but try your best.
  5. Hands off. Prop open doors and consider the stairs instead of the elevator.
  6. Wipe down. Try to wipe off anything you are going to have to touch or have touched.

If your headed to a Decker Properties apartment, such as Catalina Crossing, let me be the first to say welcome home.

moving during corona virus - Moving during the Corona Virus

How to Differentiate Between a Hoarder and a Classic Pack Rat and What to Do

2019 06 28 hoarders 300x199 - How to Differentiate Between a Hoarder and a Classic Pack Rat and What to DoHoarding can be an emotionally devastating disorder. The effects of obsessive hoarding can be hard on the hoarder themselves, and equally as troubling for friends and family. There is a distinct difference between someone who is a pack rat and someone who would constitute a hoarder. Let’s start by providing information you can ponder to see if you or someone you know might be a hoarder, followed by some suggestions for what to do.

Hoarder vs. Pack Rat – Is There Actually any Difference?

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Can I Smoke Marijuana in My Apartment?

no smoking icon 300x300 - Can I Smoke Marijuana in My Apartment?More and more states are legalizing recreation marijuana use and others allow it for medicinal purposes, so what are your rights to smoke marijuana in your apartment? What if you live in a smoke free apartment complex, like Diversey Manor, or our new Catalina Crossing and Wilson Heights Apartments? In fact, now all of our locations are smoke free.

Be aware that housing providers are free to govern their housing offering in any matter they may choose to the limit of those regulations provided to shield protected class people within Fair Housing. Continue reading

Christmas Trees and Fire Safety

christmas tree fire - Christmas Trees and Fire Safety

Pretty . . . and flammable

No one wants to spoil the holiday season, but Christmas trees in the home can present a fire safety issue. A primary concern with a Christmas tree is fire danger, often brought on by the combination of electrical mal­functions and, in the case of a real tree, a drying tree.

In the United States, Christmas trees start approximately 210 house fires per year.

According to a National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) report issued in 2015, U.S. fire departments responded to more than 200 home structure fires annually between 2009 and 2013 in which Christmas trees were the first item to catch on fire. Each year, fires occurring during the holiday season injure 2,600 individuals and cause over $930 million in damage, according to the United States Fire Administration. Sadly, Christmas tree-related fires have a higher incident of fatalities than typical house fires, according to the NFPA report.



Fire safety is serious business. The threat of fire is a good reason why you should have renters insurance. See our post on apartment fire and renters insurance. Its inexpensive too: about $8 per month. Call our office at (262) 785-0840 for more information . . . and peace of mind.

The Walkable Lifestyle – What It’s All About

four women walking 300x150 - The Walkable Lifestyle - What It's All About

Enjoying a walkable lifestyle

Soon enough, our cars will be able to drive themselves. Until then, we seem to be increasingly willing to forgo getting behind the wheel and trading it all in for the latest transportation technology since the discovery of fire – walking.

Let’s face it, being stuck in traffic is not all that it’s cracked up to be. Even if you’ve got your favorite tunes cranking on your 8-track tape player, it’s still better to be out in the fresh air walking and getting some exercise. And that is what people seem to be increasingly determined to do.

Which means that being able to walk to work and play is all the new thing, not to mention the more mundane like walking to places like the grocery store. In other words, we’re going to turn back the clock about one hundred years to a time when if you wanted to go somewhere, you were probably walking to get there. Continue reading

A Fire at a Pewaukee apartment – Why You Need Renters Insurance

apartment fire damage in pewaukee 300x168 - A Fire at a Pewaukee apartment - Why You Need Renters Insurance

Apartment fire damage in Pewaukee. Did they have renters insurance?

Here is a picture of one of our buildings in Pewaukee that was damaged during a fire on September 4, 2015. Thankfully, no one was hurt or killed.

The fire started on or near a balcony. There was a charcoal grill on that balcony. Did the grill start the fire? That remains unknown. What we do know is that gas and charcoal grills are not allowed on patios and balconies.

The 2009 revision of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) code, adopted into the State’s fire code in 2010, specifically bans any device used for cooking or heating, including electric grills from use or storage on balconies of multi-family occupancies. Continue reading

Get to Know Your Neighbors

get to know your neighbors 254x300 - Get to Know Your NeighborsFirst of all, a few thoughts as to why you would want to do this.

1. Security. While the cat’s away, the mice will play. But forget about the mice, you need to be worried about someone breaking into your apartment. If you’re friends with the neighbors of your Fond du Lac apartment, and they know your schedule and habits, maybe they’ll think to call the police if something seems amiss.

2. Greater patience so they don’t call the police. Hey, let’s have a party! Sometimes, parties can get out of hand, but if you’re friends with the neighbors, maybe they’ll be patient and you won’t wind up entertaining the boys in blue.

3. Better health. Recent research shows that well-being is greater for those that have regular contact with their neighbors, even if the contact is limited to just saying hello. That contact leads to a better sense of security and happiness.

4. You never know who you might meet. You’re single. They’re single. And gorgeous. See where this could go? Continue reading