California was already the land of lefties before the 2018 election, but now Democrats dominate in the Golden State like never before. And what has one party progressive politics brought about?
One third of all people on welfare in the entire USA live in California. California is also home to the more illegal immigrants than any other state and has a bountiful homeless population too.
The public schools stink, sales taxes are high and the state income tax at 13.3% is one of the highest in the country.
Income equality gets Democrats riled up, but they need look no further than California to find it in abundance.
Lately, the billion-dollar boondoggle of high-speed rail to nowhere is the butt of late-night talk show jokes.
Businesses are overburdened with regulation and let’s not even talk about the traffic.
Meanwhile, here at the Mayfair Apartments in Waupun, Wisconsin, you can still afford a wonderful apartment with walk-in showers, 2 car garages and heat included. I apologize for the winter.