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Southeastern Wisconsin Apartments for Rent

Category: Security

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Preventing Check Fraud

From shoplifting to identity theft, fraud is rampant.  The US Mail is not secure.  Criminals…

How to Avoid Internet Scams

Here’s a way to screw up your holidays:  Get looted from an internet scam.  Time…

Holiday Fire Safety

Christmas can fill you with a warm feeling, but hopefully not from your Christmas tree…

Ten Things For Your Winter Emergency Car Kit

Winter is here.  Don’t be caught unprepared.  Keep these 10 items in your trunk: Ice…

Four Tips for Staying Safe at Home

We’re still home now more than ever, so it’s good to pause and take a…

Super Bowl Sunday!

Hey it’s Super Bowl Sunday, let’s have a party. Ok, so the Super Bowl was…

Getting to Know the Criminal Next Door

Seattle recently approved an ordinance that mostly prohibits landlords from screening tenants based upon their…

Christmas Trees and Fire Safety

No one wants to spoil the holiday season, but Christmas trees in the home can…

Ten Security Measures Part 2

Somehow, it seems appropriate to talk about security measures on Halloween. After all, it’s trick…

Ten Security Measures Part 1

More often than not, the words criminal mastermind are an oxymoron. Consider the case of…

Get to Know Your Neighbors

First of all, a few thoughts as to why you would want to do this.…

Ten Ways to Insure Misery In Your Rental Experience Part 2

Welcome back to our study of bad haircuts, traffic jams and fingernails scratching down chalk…

Ten Ways to Insure Misery In Your Rental Experience Part 1

Life, shall we say, can be interesting. Your car gets a flat tire. Your significant…

A Tip On Saving Your Apartment From Catastrophic Loss

It’s not supposed to happen. Your life was supposed to be a fairy tale of…

Careful Tenant Screening Creates Great Apartment Communities

Let’s face it, not everyone on planet earth is as charming and as good looking…