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Southeastern Wisconsin Apartments for Rent

Landlords: The Good, Bad, and the Bizarre Part 1

Here’s another great article from our friends at I’ve edited it only to change the bullet points to numbered items, otherwise it’s unchanged. Once again, it reads like the horror story experience you get from not renting from Decker Properties. Just so you don’t get too scared (or scarred), we’re including points 5-9 in our next post.

Don Knotts as Ralph Furley

Don Knotts as Ralph Furley (Image credit: Apartment Therapy)

On hit ’70s sitcom Three’s Company, flamboyant and wise-cracking Ralph Furley replaced nosy original landlord Stanley Roper. Both were good for laughs on TV; in real life, maybe not so much.

In an ideal world, landlords would do more than cash your checks every month. They’d replace shoddy cabinets and stained carpet, let you paint your walls, and make sure all their tenants were respectful and courteous to each other. In reality, renting can be a harrowing experience. Landlords are occasionally nosy, creepy, absentee, or just plain incompetent. Got a great one? You’re lucky!

–SNIP–Here are a few tips for finding a good landlord and dealing with bad ones.
1. Start with smart apartment seeking. [Editors note, the original article referred back to the 12 tips for knowing when to walk away from the perfect place which you can find on this blog in two installments, here and here] You should also avoid problem landlords. While on the hunt, If you bump into current tenants, ask them if they’ve had any issues with the building or the landlord. You can also look online for red-flag reviews, especially when it comes to larger complexes. If someone says “slumlord,” run!

2. Enlist your friends and their friends for help. They may know of an opening in a desirable building with a cool landlord. Or they can at least warn you that the price is right but the landlord is a bit wonky. Then you can make your own call. Either way, ask them to put in a good word for you if you apply.

3. Don’t lie on your application about pets or previous rentals. That could cause big problems down the line. Also, be straight with your landlord about your living situation. Planning to get a roommate? Say so. Will your significant other be sleeping over most nights? Mention that too.

4. Some landlords are very strict about cosmetic changes. The last landlord my husband and I had before we bought our house spent an hour discussing the expensive eco-friendly paint he’d used. We weren’t even allowed to put nails in the walls. If your landlord is on the fence about painting, ask about hiring professionals on your own dime or show photos of your previous outstanding paint jobs. Offering to repaint when you leave could seal the deal. As for nail-free walls? Here are some alternative ways to hang pictures.

Come back for points 5-9 in our next post.

Decker Properties have many good features, and our apartment managers are great too! Check out our apartments on our Properties page. If you are looking for apartments in Pewaukee, Little Chute, or Waupun, and many other cities in southeastern Wisconsin, check out Decker Properties. Call (262) 785-0840 to see what we can do for you.
