How to Adore the Nuisance Next Door

Can we all get along? – Rodney King, May 1, 1992

I suppose you don’t have to adore your annoying neighbor, but at least reaching a degree of vigorous tolerance can be a good thing.  For that matter, it doesn’t have to be the next-door neighbor, it could be the cube dweller just a few feet away at work.  Either way, can we all get along?

Here are a few ideas:

  1. Safety first. We’re not talking here about physical and emotional abusers.  There will still be some folks where the only remedy is to avoid them.
  2. Give them a second chance. Look for something to like about them.  Try to see them as human.
  3. Or not. Maybe they’re not human.  Maybe they are really trained chimpanzees.  See the humor in that?  Maybe your annoying neighbor can launch your comedy career or at least help you gain a few chuckles around the water cooler.
  4. Think blind spot. Maybe they don’t know what they do is annoying.
  5. Be Nice. Ever heard the cliché about catching more flies with honey?  I’m not sure that I get this one.  First, who wants to catch flies?  And once you catch them, aren’t you going to kill them?  I should be nice to people so I can set them up for the kill?  Maybe I’m over thinking this.  Just be nice.
  6. Watch how you behave. Body language counts.  Uncross your arms!  Remember to smile.  I’m starting to feel like your mom.
  7. Drop the gossip. Don’t start the conversation by broadcasting you can’t be trusted.
  8. Do a favor. See them in the parking lot with a trunk full of groceries?  Help them in with that.  Hold open the door. Walk together with them to their car under your umbrella when it rains.  Help scrape the snow off their car.
  9. Try to have a relationship outside of the conversation you’re always having about their [insert annoying habit here].
  10. Pay a compliment. Be honest, their miserable barking dog can be cute sometimes.
  11. Ask for a small favor unrelated to any problem. That gives the other guy the chance to be the hero.  It softens them up a bit and saves you an extra trip up the stairs with the groceries.
  12. Move out of the glass house. Maybe you’re the one with the blind spot.  Make sure you’re not giving folks reason to retaliate because you’re annoying too!

04 08 2024 fly - How to Adore the Nuisance Next Door

Five Reason Why You Got a Rent Increase

There you are, being a good tenant, paying your rent on time, taking good care of your place and what’s this – a rent

increase?  What gives?

Here’s Five Reasons Why You Got a Rent Increase.

  1. What about the property management staff? You go to work and while you’re gone, they go to work too.  Cutting the grass, clearing the snow, trimming the bushes, clearing litter, leaves and more.  You got an increase last year, shouldn’t they?  Where is that going to come from?
  2. What about the increases in cost to fix stuff? Buy a house and most financial counselors will advise that you budget about 2% of the home’s value for repairs and maintenance – more if it’s older.  For an apartment costing $100,000 that’s $2,000.  But $2,000 isn’t going to go very far if a furnace or roof needs replacing.  What’s more, these costs have been going through the roof.  Almost all building materials have increased in cost faster than inflation.
  3. What about property taxes? Two things are sure – death and taxes.  Make that three things:  death, taxes and tax increases.
  4. What about economic activity? Are there new employers in town bringing in more workers and thereby increasing competition for housing?
  5. Did your property get repositioned? You may not have been paying attention, but maybe the landlord upgraded the landscaping, painted the exterior or replaced the parking lot.  Even if none of those upgrades touched the four walls of your apartment, it still cost a lot of money and made your home a more desirable place to live.

Rent increases are a reality of the inflationary world we live in.

03 22 2024 Why a rent increase - Five Reason Why You Got a Rent Increase



7 Ways to Improve Apartment Air Quality

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It didn’t use to be well-known that indoor air quality was often lower than outdoor air quality. Most people assumed that just because they have gotten rid of the dust inside their homes, the air inside those homes was less polluted than the air outside the home.

Today, we are realizing that this is not true.

According to Nelson Management Company,  there are often more sources of air pollution inside the home than outside it. They include everyday things we use for combustion, such as gas, wood, kerosene, and tobacco products. These release toxic fumes that can harm the home’s occupants.

Other sources of air pollution in the home are treated wood products found in cabinetry and furniture; fumes from household cleaning and personal care products; toxic gases emitted by building materials, and outdoor sources like radon or lawn pesticides.

HVAC systems can also worsen the indoor air quality issues of a home. That is because of the relative lack of air circulation inside the home compared to outside it. This problem is due to the way HVAC systems are designed to work.

To maintain the home temperature at the desired levels, the HVAC requires limited airflow between the outside and inside of the home. Sealing up the openings, joints and cracks where air can enter or exit keeps cooled or warmed air from escaping.

But this limited ventilation has unintended consequences. The same air is recycled inside the home over and over with the result that the concentration of air pollutants often reaches very high levels. That is in contrast to what is happening outside the home.

To compound the issues, most people spend up to 90% of their time inside a climate-controlled building, making them more likely to suffer from respiratory problems. Unknown to these people, they are more at risk of exposure to air pollution inside their homes than outside.

Is there anything you can do about the problem?

7 ways tenants and property managers can improve apartment air quality

1.      Clean carpets and furniture regularly

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Carpets and furniture are massive contributors to homes’ poor indoor air quality issues because of their ability to trap air pollutants. Regular cleaning of the carpets and furniture in the home using a vacuum cleaner equipped with a HEPA filter will limit this problem.

2.      Limit or eliminate toxic products

Check household cleaning and personal care products to make sure they don’t contain toxic ingredients. Ventilate the home every time you use a cleaning product. If possible, use only untreated wood inside the house. If anyone has to smoke, let them do it in a well-ventilated area.

3.      Replace filters when necessary

Dirty filters impede the ability of your HVAC to clean incoming air. Air filters are designed to trap the particles in the air, but those particles are reintroduced into the home if the filters are not cleaned or replaced as needed. Dirty air filters also impair the HVAC function.

4.      Ventilate the kitchen when cooking

Smoke from the kitchen and cooking oil fumes are two of the biggest causes of air pollution in the home. It is impossible to eliminate kitchen smoke and oil fumes from the home. But you can ensure they are completely removed by installing an exhaust fan in the kitchen.

5.      Pay attention to humidity levels

A lot of water vapor is released into the air during shower times (especially hot showers). This water vapor does not go away when you leave the shower. It lingers for a long time. Installing an exhaust fan in the bathroom and a dehumidification system in the home can help.

6.      Install ceiling fans

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Installing a ceiling fan will improve the circulation of air inside the home. Ceiling fans force the cooler air at the top of a room to circulate and dilute the stale warm air at the bottom. A ceiling fan can also improve the home’s humidity levels.

7.      Test your indoor air quality

An indoor air quality test will help you identify the specific air quality issues in the home to devise more effective means to solve the problem. An indoor air quality test is especially essential if you live where radon exposure is an issue.

If you are still determining where to start with all these or you have started but would like to know if your efforts are yielding the desired results, you should talk to an experienced HVAC technician. A competent HVAC expert will point you in the right direction as far as the above tips are concerned.

The Empowering Role of a Stable Living Environment in Addiction Rehabilitation


02 27 2024 addiction - The Empowering Role of a Stable Living Environment in Addiction Rehabilitation

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Recovery from addiction is a multifaceted journey, one that can be riddled with complexities and challenges. Within this odyssey, stability often emerges as a beacon of hope, illuminating the path forward. A stable living environment not only offers refuge but also fosters empowerment, fostering an environment where recovery can thrive. In this article from Marjorie Jones of Working Class Wow, we will delve into the myriad ways in which a stable living environment plays a transformative role in addiction rehabilitation.

1. Minimizing Exposure to Triggers

Living in a stable environment acts as a protective shield, reducing one’s exposure to drug-related triggers. By providing a sanctuary away from external pressures and temptations, individuals are less inclined to succumb to relapse. It becomes paramount, therefore, to prioritize creating a living space that is both secure and conducive to recovery, shielding individuals from potential pitfalls.

2. Fostering Supportive Connections

One of the unsung heroes of recovery is the network of supportive relationships that surround an individual. A stable environment serves as a platform from which individuals can reconnect with loved ones, drawing strength from their encouragement and understanding. These connections, forged in the fires of adversity, can be the lifelines that pull individuals back from the precipice of relapse.

3. Financial Security as a Shield

Financial stability is a crucial component of recovery, complementing emotional and physical healing. A stable living environment frequently fosters this financial predictability, reducing the risk of returning to addiction as a means to cope with financial challenges. This financial stability brings about a sense of peace, alleviating daily stresses. Moreover, it offers a robust foundation for individuals, allowing them to reconstruct their lives unhindered by the burdens of addiction. This combination of emotional, physical, and financial equilibrium is vital for a holistic recovery journey.

4. Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Living a balanced life is synonymous with ongoing recovery. Stability propels individuals towards healthier choices, such as consistent exercise and a nutritious diet. These daily decisions, while they may seem minor, amass over time and significantly enhance one’s overall well-being. Such a strengthened state of being equips individuals to resist potential relapses effectively.

5. Community and Positive Role Models

No one is an island, and in recovery, this rings especially true. Stable living environments often intersect with communities of like-minded individuals, all journeying toward a common goal of sobriety. These interactions, both meaningful and mundane, offer individuals invaluable role models and provide an irreplaceable support system to lean on during challenging times.

6. Rehabilitation Centers as a Lifeline

Relapses, while disheartening, are not the end of the road. There’s always the option to seek professional intervention, such as entering or reentering a rehabilitation center. When considering the treatment options available, it’s vital to assess various factors like insurances accepted, accommodations, accreditations, treatment approaches, location, and feedback from previous patients to ensure it aligns with individual needs.

7. Finding a New Apartment for Stability

Establishing a new place can be a beacon of stability in the tumultuous sea of recovery. The process, while potentially daunting, is made easier by focusing on key steps. Identifying a suitable location, exploring online listings, and determining affordability all play a role in ensuring that the new apartment serves as a sanctuary for rehabilitation.


Stability, in all its forms, emerges as an unsung hero in the narrative of addiction rehabilitation. As we’ve explored, whether it’s shielding individuals from triggers, fostering invaluable relationships, or encouraging healthy lifestyle choices, the power of a stable environment cannot be underestimated. As you or your loved ones traverse the path of recovery, remember that with the foundational strength of stability, a fulfilling, sober life is not just a possibility, but a promising reality.


How to Settle Into a New City After You’ve Moved

You’ve finally done it. You’ve packed up all your belongings, said your goodbyes, and taken the leap to move to a new city. Congratulations! Now comes the hard part: settling in. Here are a few tips from Marjorie Jones at to help you get comfortable in your new surroundings and make the most of your new adventure.

Unpack Right Away

This may seem like an obvious one, but it’s important to unpack as soon as possible after you move. The longer you wait, the more labor-intensive the task will become. Plus, once you’re settled in and have put away all your boxes, you’ll be able to truly start enjoying your new home.

Set Up Your Bedroom First

There are many important rooms in your new home that you’ll want to get set up, but none are as vital to your well-being as your bedroom. It’s important that you have comfortable space to decompress and get quality sleep as you unpack and adjust. If possible, order a new mattress to be delivered on move day. Select the best full size mattress for your sleep style that also blends support with comfort. You can also choose cooling materials, like memory or gel foam and all natural cotton covers.

The rest of your room should be calming, too. Choose accents that are blue, lavender, and gray and invest in some blackout curtains to ensure a dark environment for restful sleep. You can even use aromatherapy candles or diffusers with lavender and chamomile to add to the environment.

Socialize and Meet New People

One of the best things about moving to a new city is all the new people you’ll meet. Join social clubs, take classes, go to meetups — whatever it takes to get out there and start meeting people. The more friends you make, the more comfortable you’ll feel in your new surroundings. And who knows? You might just make some lifelong friends along the way.

Explore the Area

One of the best ways to get to know your new city is to explore it! Walk or bike around different neighborhoods, check out local attractions and grab a bite at a new restaurant. There’s no better way to get a feel for a place than by experiencing it firsthand!

Help Your Family Acclimate

If you have children, it’s important to help them acclimate to their new surroundings as well. Have them join clubs or sports teams, enroll them in school activities, or simply encourage them to make friends with the kids in their neighborhood. The sooner they start feeling like they belong, the better off they’ll be.

This goes the same for your pets, as well. However, with all the demands of moving and settling in, their needs might fall by the wayside. This is unavoidable, so look into solutions that will help you avoid this and, in turn, keep your pets as happy and comfortable as can be, despite the stress of the move. One way to do so is to find a pet sitter you can trust.

Move Your Business and Register Your LLC

If you own a business, chances are you’ll need to move it to your new location as well. This can be a tedious task, but there are resources available to help make the transition as seamless as possible. Contact your local Chamber of Commerce for assistance, or look online for resources specific to your industry.  In Wisconsin, go online to the Department of Financial institutions at

In many cases, you’ll need to form your business anew, especially if moving across state lines. It’s always worth forming a limited liability company or LLC for pass-through taxation and other benefits. Work with a formation service that’s well-versed in how to start an LLC in Texas to take a load off your shoulders.

Get Familiar with Key Resources

It’s always a good idea to familiarize yourself with local transportation options when you move to a new city. Find out where the nearest bus and train stations are and research the city’s public transportation system. If you’re planning on walking or biking, explore the city’s parks and hiking trails.

And be sure to establish medical care in your new city. Find a local doctor or hospital, and make sure you have health insurance. By taking care of these things, you’ll be able to settle into your new city quickly and start enjoying all it has to offer.

Give Yourself Time to Adjust

Last but not least, don’t forget to give yourself time to adjust. It can take weeks or even months to truly feel at home in a new place—and that’s okay! Be patient with yourself, and soon enough you’ll be feeling right at home in your new city.

Decorate to Feel Like Home

After settling into your new home, making updates can enhance its functionality, comfort, and aesthetic appeal. Although you generally can’t make permanent changes to rental properties, you can add furniture, storage, appliances, and decor that make the space work better for you. By incorporating these elements, you can create a living space that reflects your personal style while also boosting the value of your property.

Start Enjoying Your New Home

After you’ve moved, take some time to settle into your new city. Explore the different neighborhoods and find the one that best suits you. Check out the local coffee shops, bookstores, and parks. Get to know your neighbors and make some new friends, and be sure to register your business. After you’ve settled in, you’ll be able to enjoy all that your new city has to offer.


02 08 2024 Move to New Home M Jones - How to Settle Into a New City After You've Moved

                          Image via Pexels

Holiday Hangover – A Credit Conundrum

Here’s a little fact to spoil your holiday cheer:  According to Nerd Wallet, 52% of American went into debt for Christmas 2022 and of that group, just less than a third of them still have not paid off the balance!

Here are some ideas for getting out of this debtor’s prison:

  1. Make at least the minimum payments. No matter how tight things are, don’t skip a payment.  Make at least the minimum payment or your credit score will be impaired.
  2. Pay off that balance! In my opinion, you should never carry a balance but should pay the balance in full every month, thereby avoiding interest charges.  But I should have shared this advice by in October – for some, it’s too late!
  3. Start planning for Christmas 2024 now. Yes it’s early.  Paying off Christmas 2023 is a good place to start.  Then save in advance for 2024 to avoid being in the same mess January 2025!
  4. Set spending limits and stick to them. This may apply not only to gifts, but also to what you’re going to spend on yourself.
  5. Don’t neglect other obligations like student loans. Fail to keep  up the payments and the balance will grow and your credit score will decline.

Christmas 2024 will be a lot merrier when you’re debt free – what a great present to give yourself.


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How to Make Your Place Look Like the Ritz

Inflation may be eating a hole in your bank account.  Maybe you’ve cut out going out and are staying in.  If there’s a little extra time on your hands, here’s a few idea to make your place look like a million without going broke.

  1. Deep clean. Make every room and every surface sparkle, but pay particular attention to the kitchen and bath.  The one that will enjoy it the most is you.
  2. Store it or put it away, but don’t stop there.  Attack your closets and organize those too.  Your friends will be impressed but even better, you’ll love where you live.
  3. Fix it. Been meaning to call the landlord about that switch that doesn’t work, the torn screen or that dripping faucet?  Stop procrastinating.  Get that stuff fixed.  Unless the landlord can legitimately hold you responsible for the damage, it won’t cost anything.  Any if you were responsible for the damage, you were probably going to have to pay for this when you move out anyway, so why not take care of it now and be able to enjoy living in a nicer place?
  4. Since you’re going to be talking to the landlord anyway, what about a minor upgrade?  Maybe your light fixtures look like something right out of 1975.  And do you still have beige switches and outlets?  White is the thing now.

12 26 2023 upgrade your apartment - How to Make Your Place Look Like the Ritz

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How to Save on Holiday Travel

Traveling for the Holidays?  Here’s a few ideas on saving a shekel or two so you’ll still have enough left to play Santa Claus.  No bah humbug for you!

Think Flexible

December 26th is one of the most intense flying days of the year.  Can you extend someone’s Christmas cheer by showing up the first week in January?  Or kick off the season early in the middle of December.  Set up alerts on travel sites like Kayak or Google Flights to notify you when there is a price drop on a flight you’ve been monitoring and jump on a good deal.

Think Trains Planes and Automobiles

Hey, maybe we could make this idea into a movie!  Until then, consider all the modes of transportation available. Take a train and enjoy the sites.  Or maybe you can share the driving on a longer trip.  If your destination is a big city, consider rideshare services like Uber or Lyft and avoid the expense and hassle of having to park.  Maybe if you’re going somewhere warm, you can even rent a bike.

Think Lodging Options

Use sites like Expedia or Travelocity to compare prices and find deals. Consider alternative lodging options such as booking an Airbnb or Vrbo. For the younger crowd and the young at heart, and if you don’t mind sharing accommodations, try hostels. Or if you’re going somewhere warm, even consider camping.

Think Picnic

Part of the fun of travel is trying the local cuisine, but daily dining can really blow out your budget and maybe your waistline. Bring food from home or plan on a trip to the  local grocery store and enjoy some picnic lunches instead of every meal at a restaurant.

Think Partners

Cost share by traveling with buddies.

Think Rewards

Traveling and time with family is its own reward, but don’t forget about those travel points or bonuses you accumulated on various credit cards.

Have a safe and wonderful Christmas and New Year!


12 04 2023 Christmas Travel - How to Save on Holiday Travel

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Ways to Save on Holiday Shopping

Makin’ a list, checkin’ it twice.

Before hitting the mall or your favorite online source, check with your budget to make sure there’s a surplus available for you to play Santa Claus.  Make a plan and stick with it.  Don’t let emotion get you in financial trouble.  Running low on funds with more names on your list?  Move them over to the naughty column!

Start Early

OK, the naughty list can’t be the remedy for when you run short of funds.  So we’ll need to keep going on finding a way to stretch those gift dollars.  Start early.  You may pick off some early season sales.  Even if not, starting earlier keeps your options open and is less likely to push you into budget busting panic mode when deadlines loom and gifts have still not been purchased.

Get the Best Deal

There are always deals to be seized upon Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but let’s get a little more creative. Use a browser extension like Honey that will automatically try promo codes at checkout time. Make sure you’re not missing out on any easy deals and discounts. Use tools like Google Shopping to track prices. Set up an alerts for price discounts on items you’re thinking of buying.

Make the Most of Credit Card Rewards

Here again, starting early is key.  You might need to get a new credit card to really maximize those cash back rewards.  An internet search will point you on your way.

Consider Unconventional Gifts

It’s the thought that counts, right?  If you’re crafty, make those gifts yourself.  If you’re not, how about volunteering your services where they’re needed?  Your grandmother would appreciate her driveway snow getting shoveled over a sweater featuring dogs playing poker.  What about some of those magical cookies you make?  Or even babysitting services?  How about help putting up the holiday lights or taking them down?  Even cleaning out a garage or basement can be a winner.

Bottom line, don’t make holiday largesse put you in a financial bind that becomes a New Year’s resolution!

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A Sure-Fire Way to Spoil Your Holidays

Here’s a sure-fire way to turn holiday cheer into nightmare:  have a heart attack.  As it turns out, heart attacks and other cardiovascular problems increase around the holidays.  Research indicates that the peak days for cardiac deaths are December 25, 26 and January 1st.  Here’s why:

  1. People postpone doctor visits around the holidays. Or they forget to take their medication as ordinary routines are disrupted.
  2. Winter brings about viruses with symptoms that include restriction of blood vessels.
  3. The holidays come with travel and annual family gatherings that can be stressful.
  4. Holiday meals, particularly if high in salt, can trigger cardiac problems. So can alcohol, and New Year’s Eve is sometimes the one day of the year that some drink when they are otherwise teetotalers.

Now that we’ve explored the risks, let’s discuss the warning signs of heart trouble.

  1. Chest pain. The discomfort can manifest itself as weight applied to the chest.  Sometimes the pain is in the left arm, neck or jaw.  There can also be shortness of breath.
  2. For women, symptoms include nausea, lightheadedness, back pain and fatigue.
  3. Swelling in legs, stomach bloating, dry cough and loss of appetite are also symptoms.

When in doubt, seek care.  The earlier care is sought, the better the outcomes.

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